Meet the Authors

Tom Burbage

Tom Burbage was the Executive Vice President and General Manager of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Program and led the first decade of the program. Before joining Lockheed Martin, Tom was a Naval aviator. He holds a bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering from the US Naval Academy and master’s degrees in aeronautical systems from the University of West Florida and business administration from UCLA.

Betsy Clark

Betsy Clark was a member of an F-35 review team from the US Department of Defense in 2010 and has participated in eight additional reviews since. Betsy has spent the past 35 years studying large, complex software development projects and has reviewed countless defense projects in the US and Australia.

Adrian Pitman

Adrian Pitman was the Director of Acquisitions Engineering Improvement in the Australian Defence Materiel Organization (DMO) and has participated in a total of nine F-35 reviews. Adrian has spent 55 years of military service in the Royal Australian Air Force and the Australian Department of Defence.

David Poyer

Author of nearly fifty books, David Poyer is the most popular living writer of American sea fiction. Sailor, engineer, and retired Navy captain, he lives on Virginia’s shore with novelist Lenore Hart. Visit his website at

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